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    Happy New Year to our LLL Family!!!!!

    Don’t know about you, but the year 2024 sounds like we are in a science-fiction movie for some reason. Feels very futuristic for sure. Regardless, here we are.  In doing our planning for the year, we realized that we have been doing this legacy project of ours for five years now.  Can you believe it? We hope you have had fun following along and answering the questions each week in whatever way works for you.  Our whole goal here was to not only leave a legacy for our family but also to help facilitate yours. We have decided that this year is going to look a bit different for us. …

  • Self Reflection,  Uncategorized

    Describe a time that you got lost and how did you find your way?

    Many of us lose our way, either physically or emotionally. Can you remember a time that you got lost? And how did you get back on track? I cannot honestly remember ever being lost.  Maybe that is just my memory blocking out a traumatic event. I have metaphorically felt lost several times in my life – as a wife, a parent, a daughter, a sister, but I think that is all part of this thing called life.  I’ve figured out a way to hike my big girl panties up and figure out whatever it is that is getting me down.  I know this is going to sound strange, but I…

  • Uncategorized

    Have you ever been in a parade?

    The pomp – the circumstance – the floats – the bands – the cheers and music…. have you ever been in a parade? I really can’t remember being in a real parade although I have watched a TON of them over the years.  By real parade, I mean the ones with bands and floats. My kids were in the little league parades that my town did every year for opening day. The kids got to ride on firetrucks and wave at the spectators along the way.  I never walked with them, I dropped them off and then hurried toward the end so I could be there when their truck pulled…

  • Childhood,  Holiday,  Play,  The Adult Years,  The School Years,  The Teen Years,  Travel,  Uncategorized

    What is the best souvenir you have received or bought for yourself?

    We usually equate traveling with souvenirs. A lot of us want to bring something home that will remind us of our trip or bring a memento to loved ones not able to make the trip with us. Do you have a special one that you either couldn’t go home without or that someone brought for you? Every time I traveled since way back as a kid, I would spend my money on some tacky, kitschy souvenir shop trinkets. Once home, it would be displayed but eventually, after many trips, what do you do with all those lobsters made of shells that say Cape Cod? It wasn’t until I was in…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Helping Others,  Uncategorized

    Have you ever called a friend in the wee hours of the morning to help with a problem?

    Having a problem in the middle of the night, this has happened to all of us. But have you ever called a friend for help ?  Let’s see what Pam and Ellen say about this one. The only time I can remember calling someone in the middle of the night for help was when I was in labor.  I honestly can’t remember any other problem that could not wait for morning. However, I have been on the other end of the phone when people were in trouble and either needed my shoulder to lean on or needed for me to go to them for help.  Each time, luckily, I heard…

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    My parents felt very strongly about passing along these lessons.

    We all have received lessons from our parents, whether they’ve been passed along verbally or by watching their actions. Scroll down as Pam and Ellen let you in on the lessons that Alden and Joan passed along to them. My parents taught me a lot of lessons over the years but I think here, I will talk about the prevailing “unwritten” rule that we lived by at our house —-  Kindness to and awareness of the underdog. It was expected of us to be kind, to watch for people who need help, always be watching for those who could use a hand. A lot of these lessons were passed to…