• Hobbies,  Play,  Self,  The Adult Years

    You are only allowed one hour of TV a week – what do you watch?

    TV.  There is one in most homes and people have their favorite things to watch.  But if you only were allowed to watch one hour per week, what would you pick? NOT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t have anything to pick from since I don’t watch TV. I suppose I would like a comedy/sitcom.  Any to recommend? One of my favorite shows for years is the CBS Sunday Morning Show.  I started watching it back when our Dad was still alive and it quickly became a mainstay in our Sunday morning routine together.  It’s been years now since I’ve had the opportunity to watch it again and now that I have, I…

  • Childhood,  Hobbies,  Self,  The School Years,  The Teen Years

    Who were your idols as a teenager?

    IDOL (noun) A person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered As a teenager, I remember having ‘Teen Beat’ magazines handed down to me by friends.  Whose pictures were cut out and taped to my mirror? Bobby Sherman – My favorite song? Julie, do ya love me (which I changed to Pammy, do ya love me as I sang along). I also remember him from the TV show – Here Come the Brides. Fun fact? While he was extremely successful in the entertainment field, he left in the late 70s, became an EMT, and subsequently became a technical reserve police officer with the LA Police Department where he…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    What did you watch on TV as a child?

    We started with a small black and white and can remember when we got a color – such excitement!  What did you watch as a kid?   Pam and Ellen detail the shows that filled their living room below.  This felt like this was going to be a boring post.  TV was not a big part of my childhood.  I do not remember it being on often although I do remember certain special events. I vaguely remember the JFK, RFK, and MLK coverage, the Apollo landing on the moon, things like that.  I did not watch cartoons on Saturdays like a lot of my friends did – they just never appealed…