• Hobbies,  Self

    Of all the cultural arts, this is my favorite.

    Cultural arts – a partial list: Visual – Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, photography, video Literary – Written works, Poetry, Fiction, Non- fiction Performing – Music, Theatre, Dance, Film So much to love – Your favorite? Scroll below and see what Pam and Ellen enjoy! It is SO hard to narrow down a favorite!   I love it ALL! But after much consideration, I would have to say I gather the most inspiration and joy from the Visual Arts. I am, at my core, a visual learner / observer and because of this, I love to just soak up photography or design of any kind.  Great advertising layouts are a favorite of mine. …

  • Uncategorized

    My parents felt very strongly about passing along these lessons.

    We all have received lessons from our parents, whether they’ve been passed along verbally or by watching their actions. Scroll down as Pam and Ellen let you in on the lessons that Alden and Joan passed along to them. My parents taught me a lot of lessons over the years but I think here, I will talk about the prevailing “unwritten” rule that we lived by at our house —-  Kindness to and awareness of the underdog. It was expected of us to be kind, to watch for people who need help, always be watching for those who could use a hand. A lot of these lessons were passed to…

  • Childhood,  Elementary Years,  The School Years,  The Teen Years

    This is how I got to school each morning.

    School bus, subway, sidewalk, bike, car. How did you get to school? Ellen and Pam will tell you their mode of transportation below: I took the bus to school right up until late Junior year when a dear friend of mine would come all the way from Bridgewater to pick me up – she knew how much I hate the bus.  I think back now and realize how nice that was, I don’t think I really appreciated her sacrifice at the time. You may have read about my bullying at the bus stop and how the bus driver helped that situation. Well, I had her help in other ways too.…

  • Friendship,  Self Reflection

    True Friendship to me means…

    Friends. We all have them – some closer than others. What does true friendship mean to you? Let’s see what it means to Pam and Ellen. I’ve been blessed in this lifetime with a best friend, someone who I could say anything to, confide in, laugh with, cry with – even fall asleep on the phone with. Unfortunately, that friend is no longer living and a big piece of me left with her.  I would like to tell you a bit about my friend Norma Wyatt Kosmeh. We met back in 1979 when we were both still single.  It was an instant connection for us – we just clicked.  It…