• Self,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What do you believe daily life will be like in 25 years?

    Envisioning what the future will look like is something that has been done for years. There are many movies and books imagining this very thing. But today we ask you what you think it will look like. It is very hard for me to predict what I think life will look like in 25 years. I for one, thought there would be flying cars by now a la “The Jetsons”.  (Although – a lot of what the Jetsons predicted for us did come very true during the pandemic – virtual doctors appts, zoom meetings for work). I hope for the best of everything for both my children and my grandchildren.…

  • Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    When have you experienced heaven on earth?

    Heaven on Earth could mean something entirely different for everyone. Where have you found that paradise? I think, in this season of my life, heaven on earth for me is in my interactions with the littles. An eye-to-eye connection, a shared secret laugh, sharing my love of books with them, talking a walk together, a little hand nestled in mine, a head upon my shoulder, and a little arm draped around my back. I take none of these moments for granted – each holds tremendous love and a little bit of heaven. Heaven on Earth? For me, it’s the beach.  It’s swimming playing in the saltwater or walking or lounging…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Self Reflection

    What is a memory you’d like to be able to erase?

    Every memory we have brings us to where we are today but there are some that either bring us discomfort or are hard to remember. Today we are wondering if there is something in your past that you wish had gone differently or hadn’t “gone” at all. ** disclaimer –  hard to read embarrassing post ahead ** One memory that I’d love to be able to erase will not be an easy one for me to write or for you to read – but it is time this one is put out there I suppose. Looking back over my teen years, I have come to a few realizations about my…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Play,  The Adult Years

    What is a memory you have related to a campfire?

    Some people love campfires while others do not at all….where do you fall in the debate and do you have a favorite memory about sitting around a campfire? It is rather apropos that we are talking about campfires this week. The campground where I have a seasonal site just opened this past weekend, and we had our first campfire. It was a disaster.   We were trying to get rid of the pine needles and cones that we had raked up while cleaning up our site.  We soon discovered that one of the six bags we raked was all we would be burning, for it created a lot of smoke and…

  • Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    Possessions – describe one of your strangest.

    We all own “things”. Some of us own more than others.  But today we are not asking you to quantify what you own, we are asking about the quality.  Can you think of something you currently possess that you or others would consider strange? I am sure some would consider this a strange possession, but to me, it is a treasured memory.  This little doll that my Mom gave me when I was very young.  I don’t remember getting her, she has just been with me for as long as I can remember. She is in pretty rough shape but I love her dearly and keep her in a jewelry…