• Self Reflection

    Have you ever hitchhiked?

    Last week we asked if you have ever picked up a hitchhiker and today we turn that around to ask –   Have YOU ever hitchhiked? Have you been the one to stick your thumb out and hope that someone will stop to help? Yes, yes I have.  Luckily, I can say that I have hitchhiked without incident, well almost.  A few girlfriends and I decided to head over to Martha’s Vineyard for a few days during the summer of our 17th year. Our parents dropped us off at the ferry with a simple backpack on our back and a concocted story that we were staying at a friend’s family summer…

  • Helping Others,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    If you were given $100 today, what would you do with it?

    Extra money.  Something we all could use. Something we get excited about finding in a forgotten jacket in the coat closet.  This week, we are asking, if you suddenly found yourself with an extra $100, what would you do with it? This one is fun.  I love brainstorming ways to spend money. There have been many lists over the years detailing purchases from a large lottery win. Initially, when contemplating this $100, my thoughts flashed through a new pocketbook, pair of shoes, gift for the grandkids, jacket, dinner. Then, I realized what a privileged list this turning into given the current world events and decided I would donate the $100…

  • Childhood,  Play,  The Teen Years

    Did you ever win a stuffed animal at a county fair?

    County fairs are such fun, something both Ellen and Pam grew up with. They can be sensory overload for some with the rides, games, fair food, exhibits, tractor pulling, lots of noises, lights and smells. Some of our favorites are the Ferris wheel, fried dough and just people watching on the midway, but todays questions is – have you ever won a stuffed animal at one of these fairs? I have tried many times to win a plush at the local country fairs over the years. Many times. And I was successful just ONCE! I will never forget the thrill of the moment my hoop circled the pin.  The look…

  • Travel

    Have you ever traveled out of the country?

    International travel is something that a lot of people dream about but never get the chance to do. This week we are asking – have you ever traveled overseas or out of the country? When my girls were little, my husband wanted to take them to see where he was born and lived for the first decade or so of his life. We boarded a plane for Sao Miguel in the Azores on a Friday afternoon in September. September was significant because not only was this going to be a trip of introductions but also, we were going to be there during a large religious feast that takes place in…

  • Family,  Hobbies,  Self Reflection

    Can you think of an activity that you’ve taken up that you never would have imagined yourself enjoying?

    Everyone has activities or hobbies that they love. Thinking about those you enjoy, is there one that you did not expect to? Funny thing about this question, I sat with it for weeks. I could not think of any activity that I took up not expecting to like it. Not sure what this means, maybe I am not adventurous enough? I finally remembered the first time I played BINGO publicly. I did not have great expectations but left wanting more. It was years ago, I went to a VFW with a co-worker. I didn’t know what to expect. I certainly thought it was going to be a fun night out…

  • Play,  Rites of Passage,  The Teen Years

    Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

    Skinny dipping. Streaking. Things that, for sure, involve being vulnerable.This week, we are finding out if Pam or Ellen ever slid into a pool with nothing on.Any guesses? I have to say that I indeed have slipped into a pool with nothing on, giving into peer pressure as a teen.     Looking back, it would have been less revealing if I had waited to get into the pool before I took the suit off.  It was late at night with our light being the stars and moon but with my white skin, I practically glowed as I stood on that ladder waiting for my turn to jump in.  It is…

  • Hobbies,  Self

    Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

    Famous people intrigue me and with social media it is easy to talk yourself into thinking you know the person you are following.  But they are presenting their A-game all the time and you really do not have a full picture of who that person really is. This week we are asking the question, who is the most famous person you have ever met? And a subsequent question might be – how did that turn out for you? I’ve met several famous people over the years but the one that I keep coming back to when thinking about this question is one I met recently, well within the last decade…

  • Family,  Play,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage,  Service to Others

    Do you have a new tradition you’d like to start with your family?

    Traditions are everywhere – every family has them, even if it is the tradition of doing nothing.   But as we look at the traditions of others, do you wish you could adopt them for your own? Or have you come up with an idea of your own that you would like to participate in with your family? I have always wanted to start a new tradition in our family and that is to celebrate Día De Los Muertos. But it falls on the day after Halloween and I have put off suggesting it because of this.  Everyone is so busy trying to get their kids costumes ready that to…

  • Family,  Holiday,  The Adult Years

    Have you ever hosted a Thanksgiving?

    Thanksgiving is a day for gathering, being grateful and eating for a lot of us here in the United States. Families have different traditions; some go out for dinner, some always go to “grammas”, some rotate through the siblings year after year.  How about you? Have you personally hosted one? Scroll down to see what Pam and Ellen do in their family. Yes. I have hosted Thanksgiving, many times. Yes, me, the one who HATES to cook.  Ironic. The one that pops up in my memory when I first saw this question was one from the 1980’s. My daughter Amy was young, we lived in our first little bungalow house…