• Hobbies,  Self,  The Adult Years

    What magazines have you subscribed to over the years?

    Do you have print magazines that you subscribe to? Or are you a digital magazine consumer? No magazines at all? Let’s see where we all stand. This question is best answered in a list for me: Good Housekeeping Readers Digest Yankee Magazine People Woman’s Day Magnolia Rosie And one that I kept every single issue for every year I subscribed?   Oprah I go through periods of having subscriptions and then others, where I have absolutely none coming in the mail.  I have had subscriptions over the years from everything from Boating to Vogue.  Times and interests change and I am currently receiving: Women’s Health and Time.  They each have their…

  • Hobbies,  Self

    What is the last book you’ve read and where were you sitting when you read it?

    If you are a reader, we would like to know what the last book is that you’ve read?  And where were you sitting when you read it? Do you have a special space? The last book I have read is How to keep a Secret by Sarah Morgan. It was a great little read, I enjoyed it and read most of it in a comfy chair in my bedroom.  I have also read The Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner,  The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick.  I enjoyed both of these. I currently have two books on my nightstand to be read – Anxious People by Fredrick Backman and Hour…

  • Hobbies

    Have you ever belonged to a book club?

    Book clubs are many and varied in their form. Have you every belonged to one?  Let’s see what Pam and Ellen have to say. I have belonged to several different book clubs over the years and am currently in one. They have all been different, some had only a few members, some have many more and all have morphed over the years to something different than when they started. I have to admit, I am not a diligent nor consistent book club attendee.  Sometimes life gets in the way of my reading and I end up on the night of the meeting having to ask – “Can I still come? …

  • Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    Who do you remember as the best storyteller in your family?

    Storytelling. A way of sharing and interpreting experiences. We all tell stories in one way or another, here at Leaving A Life Legacy – we do it weekly. Today we would like to know, did/do you have a favorite family storyteller? As a kid, I can remember my grandfather, who we lovingly called Pop Pop telling stories all the time.  And if we were staying there overnight, we would all gather in the living room and while we played with dolls on the floor, Pop Pop would read out loud whatever book it was that they were in the middle of.  The sound of his voice was very calming and…

  • Hobbies,  Play,  Self,  The Adult Years

    Is there something you would like to learn to do?

    Recently read an article that states that learning new things is what keeps your brain young.  Do you constantly try to learn?  Is there something that you would like to learn – something on your bucket list? Pam and Ellen have some things to share. I have been a lifelong learner.  In my career, you constantly had to keep current on the technology and each time software was updated, I had to learn the new tricks.  I have translated that skill of keeping current to my personal life as well.  While I have never fully learned a foreign language, it has always been there as a bucket list item –…

  • Hobbies

    Have you ever had an AHA moment reading a book?

    So many AHA’s – Scroll down and then click on the folders with our names.An AHA or two for you?Please share below in comments. AHA moments. I have AHA Moments all the time while reading yet it is hard to pinpoint which ONEI would highlight here. So, I think I’ll just share some of my favorites with you: Learning to live in the moment. Changing my thoughts would change my reality. Judging others does not define them but me. I can’t be lonely if I like the person I am alone with. Dancing isn’t to get to a certain place on the dance floor, it is to enjoy every step…