• Childhood,  Play

    What is your favorite fairground ride?

    Did you go to the local country fairs as a kid?  Or have you taken your own kids?  We used to go every year to one in our hometown and have lots of memories.  Today we are wanting to know if you had a favorite ride that you would run to each visit? I have been on a lot of rides over the years both at traveling fairs set up locally or at more permanent amusement parks.  Some rides leave me feeling sick to my stomach, some make me run around to the entrance for another go and some make me look at it with complete loathing as I disembark…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Self Reflection

    What one day would you like to relive?

    What one day would you like to relive? Quite a question actually – for there are a lot to pick from depending on how old you are.  For Pam, there are almost 23,000 to pick from and for Ellen it would be about 1300 less – see what we did there?  A black and white verification that Ellen is YOUNGER than Pam.  A lifelong joke of ours.  Anywho – let’s scroll down and see which of those 20,000+ days they’d each like to live again/ This was a tough question for me. It took a lot of reminiscing to decide and I am not really sure that I made the…

  • Self Reflection

    When was the last time you started a conversation with a stranger?

    Do you talk to people in the grocery store, the coffee shop or in the line at Walmart?  When was the last time you had a conversation with someone you did not know?  A trait that I inherited from my gregarious father is to talk to anyone at any time. I can remember when I was little asking my dad if he knew everyone?  It became a family joke that if Dad didn’t know them walking in, he would on the way out.  Talking to strangers is something that I missed most during our pandemic lockdown.  Now that we are back out in the world so speak, I am finding…

  • Helping Others,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    If you were given $100 today, what would you do with it?

    Extra money.  Something we all could use. Something we get excited about finding in a forgotten jacket in the coat closet.  This week, we are asking, if you suddenly found yourself with an extra $100, what would you do with it? This one is fun.  I love brainstorming ways to spend money. There have been many lists over the years detailing purchases from a large lottery win. Initially, when contemplating this $100, my thoughts flashed through a new pocketbook, pair of shoes, gift for the grandkids, jacket, dinner. Then, I realized what a privileged list this turning into given the current world events and decided I would donate the $100…