• Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    Who do you remember as the best storyteller in your family?

    Storytelling. A way of sharing and interpreting experiences. We all tell stories in one way or another, here at Leaving A Life Legacy – we do it weekly. Today we would like to know, did/do you have a favorite family storyteller? As a kid, I can remember my grandfather, who we lovingly called Pop Pop telling stories all the time.  And if we were staying there overnight, we would all gather in the living room and while we played with dolls on the floor, Pop Pop would read out loud whatever book it was that they were in the middle of.  The sound of his voice was very calming and…

  • Childhood,  Family,  The Teen Years

    Did you have a curfew as a teen and did you ever break it?

    Curfews. That dreaded thing that parents invoke onto their teens to keep them safe and using good judgement. And also that thing that a lot of teens rebel against as they try to spread their wings. Lets see what curfews were set in the Cooley household. My Mom, my main disciplinarian, was very open about her expectations of me as a teen. We would have long talks about what scenarios could present themselves and what would be my actions in each.  We originally started out with a curfew and as I expanded my social interactions to neighboring towns, that curfew was slowly loosened until it was gone altogether.  I did…

  • Family,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage

    Did your parents approve of the people you have dated?

    Bringing dates home to meet the parents can usher in a whole lot of feelings and questions. Will they get along?  Will they accept them as my partner? In your history, did your parents approve of your significant others?  This is quite the loaded question, especially since some of my past partners are still alive and may well read this.  Wink wink. Seriously though, my Dad got along with EVERYONE.  It was in his nature to – he saw the good in everyone.  I never knew where he stood on liking any of my dates. Mom, while she would be polite and welcome them into our home, had opinions.  She…

  • Helping Others

    If you could invent something to help mankind, what would it be?

    Inventions. They are all around us – everything we touch. We are querying today -> If you could invent something that could help mankind, what would it be? Well, here you go, the first question that we’ve posed that I really haven’t been able to answer. Who’da thunk? Pam speechless? I have a blank mind after spending many hours pondering. I mean, clean water for every person in the world? Important yes, but people are already working on it. Drones dropping food and or medicine to needy people around the world? Another important effort but if Amazon is dropping packages by drone, someone must already be on this too. Something…