• Hobbies,  Self Reflection

    Who would you like to sing a duet with and what song would you like to sing?

    Can you imagine singing a duet with someone?  Would you like to share with us who?  It was fun for Pam and Ellen to contemplate this question – scroll down to see who they picked. Oh, if only I could carry a tune!  Always wanted to be a singer but alas I am not. That isn’t the question though, is it?  So, to answer this question, I have to pretend that I at least have the ability to connect with notes and stay on pitch so I am not embarrassed to stand on stage and sing. Done. You know, one of my very favorite songs is 93 Million Miles by…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    What character from a childhood TV show brings back the happiest memories?

    What did you watch when you were young? Can you remember one childhood TV show or character who brought you the most joy? Someone you looked forward to seeing each week? We did not watch a ton of TV in our house when I was under 10 that I can remember.  I do remember spending HOURS in our playroom, whether playing school or house.  I never watched cartoons – which back then were on Saturday mornings only. But the shows that I do remember from that age were: Romper Room – I think I grew weary of waiting for her to call my name and went on to other things.…

  • Childhood,  Elementary Years,  Play,  Self Reflection

    Do you avoid stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk and if yes, why?

    Do you remember the jingle? Do you remember avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk as you walked or skipped along? Or could you be found boldly stepping on each crack you encountered? Do you still avoid them? Today we talk about superstitions wrapped up in a childhood rhyme. “Step on a crack, break your momma’s back” Funny, when I was a kid I used to remember really believing that this was the case.  And there were many times that I hopped over any cracks I encountered until one day that I didn’t.  I couldn’t get over the crack fast enough and ended up landing smack dab on it.  I immediately…

  • Self

    What is the last thing you googled?

    We all do it – search for things on google. Today we are wondering – what is the last thing you googled? Let’s scroll down and see what Pam and Ellen were looking for this week. I google search all the time – to check the spelling of a word, to find out if someone is still alive, to see how old someone is, to see when they died, to check the lyric of a particular song, to check the zip code of a town I am sending something to, to grab a recipe for something, to convert measurements of something, to translate English to Portuguese or visa versa,  or…