• Family,  Travel

    Have you ever spent the night in a train sleeper car?

    Trains.Some of us use them to commute to work.Some for travel.Our question this week is – have you ever stayed in a train sleeper car? Yes.  Yes I have. When I was little and residing in Massachusetts, my mom’s family lived just outside of Philadelphia.  Because my mom did not have her license, if we wanted to go visit without my Dad, we would take the train.  My Dad would always buy us a little private room and we would travel at night.  I can remember one trip in particular.  I had to use the toilet which was just next to the door and with perfect timing, the conductor came…

  • Family,  Hobbies,  Travel

    Are you a souvenir buyer?

    No matter where you travel, there are usually a variety of shops that provide different types of souvenirs that you can take home with you.  Do you buy? And if so – do you go for the kitsch or the specialty items? Over the years, I have purchased a lot of what I later deemed junk.  Keychains, hologram pictures, pins, fridge magnets, postcard books; things that I would put into my memento box and not see again until I decided to pull it out and take a walk down memory lane.  About 20 years ago, I finally had the idea that I should be buying something that WON’T be put…

  • Childhood,  Play,  Self,  The Adult Years

    What did/do you look forward to most about the weekends?

    Weekends.They mean different things for people. Some work, some play, some do a combination of both. But wherever you happen to fall, what do you look forward to the most? When I was a child, I couldn’t wait for the weekends to just be able to play; no school. And as an adult, I can’t say the feeling has changed much although the type of play has. The weekends signal a cessation of routine for me – a shutting down of sorts and I love the feeling. We try to do a Family-Fun dinner on the weekends and I look forward to breaking bread and catching up with the ones…

  • Family,  Hobbies,  Self Reflection

    Can you think of an activity that you’ve taken up that you never would have imagined yourself enjoying?

    Everyone has activities or hobbies that they love. Thinking about those you enjoy, is there one that you did not expect to? Funny thing about this question, I sat with it for weeks. I could not think of any activity that I took up not expecting to like it. Not sure what this means, maybe I am not adventurous enough? I finally remembered the first time I played BINGO publicly. I did not have great expectations but left wanting more. It was years ago, I went to a VFW with a co-worker. I didn’t know what to expect. I certainly thought it was going to be a fun night out…