• Childhood,  Family,  Relationships,  Self

    What is/was your Dad like?

    Dads. We all have them, whether they are a part of our lives or not. How would you describe yours? This is our Dad. With us, doing yard work. We’ve shared this picture before but it really is how we both remember him. Dad. I can’t think of him without a smile on my face.  I was just shy of 40 when my dad died and miss his presence in my life dearly. My dad was bigger than life. He was gregarious and had a great laugh, which we heard often.  He loved joking around and teasing, especially the little ones. He was trustworthy and trusting, maybe too much as…

  • Childhood,  Family

    What was/is your Mom like?

    Do you look at your mom as a person and not just your Mom? Sometimes it is hard to do that, or we don’t do that until we have kids of our own and then start looking at our mothers differently.  Our question today is what is/was your mom like? Here is a picture of our mom.  She would hate that we are using this picture but it is a favorite of ours. My Mom.  You know, she died just before I turned 30 and I have spent a LOT of time since then thinking about her, thinking about what she might have been thinking and thinking of what it…

  • Self,  The Adult Years

    Write about a piece of jewelry you have and where it came from.

    Sometimes jewelry can be very sentimental – do you have a piece with a story? I’m going to write today about a piece of jewelry I do not have but wish I did. When Ellen and I were little, trips to the “Big House” could be exciting for us.  Each hour we spent tip-toeing around my grandparents’ big old Tudor would eventually bring something new to investigate.  From the basement to the 3rd floor apartment, there were many nooks and crannies that held wonder and awe. But our favorite was when we ended up in the closet in the main hallway on the 2nd floor.  The ceilings in there were…

  • Self Reflection

    What is the dumbest way you have injured yourself?

    We all experience injuries in our lifetimes, some minor some not so. Today we are asking what is the dumbest way that one of these injuries happened. Luckily over my many years on this spinning globe, I have not injured myself too often, I am blessed in that regard. I do remember one weekend afternoon, trudging through the brush in a very overgrown backyard, trying to get a lot of clearing/burning done.  Wearing crop pants and sneakers, I was a magnet for ticks.  Hours later, as we settled inside for something to drink and a tick inspection, I realized that my lower leg had been punctured by a piece of…