• Family,  Household

    What was your worst household disaster?

    Household disasters – we’ve all lived through something that has gone wrong at our homes, whether it is us that is responsible for fixing or our landlords.  Looking back, Ellen and Pam each pick what they think would have been their worst. Over the years, we’ve had the furnace (which resided in our kitchen) explode and blow soot over everything TWICE, but the worst thing would have to be the day the washer intake water pipe broke. We lived in a Campanelli slab ranch and our kitchen was directly behind our living room.  The washer and dryer were also housed in the kitchen also (you’d think we had a large…

  • Childhood,  Hobbies

    Did you have a favorite doll / toy growing up?

    Things we played with when we were little. Differs for all of us but I am sure that we each had something that hold fond memories, something that we hold dear in our memories of being little. Pam and Ellen share theirs below: As a true Libra – I have two. When I was little, I was hospitalized twice. Once for a tonsillectomy and once for a scaping of my ear canals.  It was during one of these that I was given my first favorite.  She was entirely hard plastic and could stand alone on her flat wide feet.  She was about a foot tall and had the most gorgeous…

  • Self

    What song always puts you in a good mood?

    Music is medicine for the soul. Each of us has our own favorites. Come see which song always puts a smile on the faces of Pam and Ellen. Growing up, my Dad made sure that we listened to all different genres of music. Therefore, any Frank Sinatra, Boston Pops, Broadway showtune and so many more will put a smile on my face but the one song that is able to lift me out of a bad mood and pull me from the depths is “I Can See Clearly Now” by Jimmy Cliff I think I’ve told the story of the significance of this tune before, how my father spent months…

  • Rites of Passage,  Self,  The Adult Years

    What was the hardest thing to get used to as an adult?

    Growing pains. Things we had to get used to as we became adults. Can you relate to what Pam or Ellen decided was their hardest? I think for me, the hardest thing to get used to as an adult was a budget. Initially, when I started working full time, my check was my own to spend.  I didn’t have a car and my parents allowed me to live rent free.  After two years at programming school, I graduated in May.  A month later, I signed papers on our first house in the morning hours and was standing on an altar saying “I DO” that very same evening. I was thrown…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Self Reflection

    If now, you could move back into the house you grew up in – just the way it was, would you?

    The home we grew up in holds many memories – for all of us. The question today is, if you were given the chance, would you move back into it.  Just the way it was back then.  Let’s listen to what Pam and Ellen have to say about their choice. Since this is a fantasy type question, I am going to expand on that fantasy a bit. My childhood home was a center chimney colonial built in the 1700’s on a rather large lot of land. So in my fantasy, I have an unlimited bank account and I would most definitely move back into that house as it was then. …