• Career / Work,  Friendship,  Hobbies,  Self,  The School Years

    What is the best piece of constructive criticism you got as a young person?

    Most of us when we were younger (and possibly still!) weren’t too thrilled to receive any constructive criticism, but was there a time as a young person when you received some that you can now recall as the best you ever received? I was barely 21, doing an internship at a clothing manufacturer in Brockton as a computer programmer.  My boss was a young soft-spoken man whom I had grown to respect and was hoping to get a permanent position from when I graduated. As time went along, they allowed me to work with live files/ programs and I appreciated their confidence in me. Until. After finishing a project, I…

  • Friendship,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage,  The Teen Years

    Did you ever feel abandoned or betrayed by a friend as a teenager?

    Betrayal is something that we hope has not happened to you.  However, it has happened to a lot of us.  Today’s question is about betrayal in your teens – did a friend ever betray you in that tender decade?  Let’s see what Pam and Ellen have to say about this one. I will never forget “that” phone call. It was spring of my sophomore year, soon to be summer and I was in a relationship with a boy who I was over the moon about.  Everything was magical.  Our initial meeting was magical.  Our first few “dates” were magical.  His asking me to be his girlfriend = magical.  ALL of…

  • Career / Work,  Helping Others,  Hobbies,  Self Reflection

    What do you love doing that you wish you could get paid for?

    Most of us have something that we LOVE to do.   Getting paid to do it would be the icing on the cake.  Can you think of something that falls into this category?   Crafting would be it for me.  Any type. I just love repurposing “stuff” into something I see as more appealing.  I suppose that working with my hands in any type of crafting/DIY brings me the same joy as working in a garden does for a gardener.  If only I could live off the profits. There was a day that I loved planning so I became an Event Planner.  There was another time when I loved organizing…

  • Household,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What is a messy area of your home, workplace or life?

    Home.  Workplace. Life.   Is there a place you are messy in each?  Or maybe just one.  Or are you not messy anywhere?  Messy areas…..hmmmmm. As I look back over my life, I realize that I’ve been many different types of housekeepers.  There were many years that I lived in a house that would have raised a few eyebrows – clutter filled, messy with a capital “M”. The older I get, the more that clutter messes with ME, and gets under my skin you might say.   So, I have tried to get much better about clutter.  However, I have to say that a messy area of my life that I…