• Childhood,  Family,  Friendship,  Play

    Into the Woods

    I love love love this photo. I have no idea where it was taken.  Could be our property at 217 (the houses in the background look a bit familiar, it could be that undeveloped portion in front of the orchard) or perhaps it is at the farm in NH. I love that we are out there in our loafers, ankle socks, and short, short dresses, Ellen’s is even a smocked one, so familiar in our childhood.  This picture could be used as an advertisement for a Campground or Cabin Resort Rental property, couldn’t it?   “Come have fun with us!  What are you waiting for? “ I love it – another…

  • Career / Work,  Family,  Friendship,  Relationships

    Out of one house and into another.

    I worked at a clothing manufacturer for a year after high school because I had no idea what I wanted to be when “I grew up” and didn’t want to waste money going to college if I wasn’t sure.  It was an eye-opening experience for sure and one that I am glad to have been through.  During that year, my Mom and I were having a conversation about working, She had not worked outside of the house since before we were born and was looking for a way to make some money of her own.  I suggested she try to get a job where I worked, she didn’t drive and…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Play,  The Adult Years

    What is a memory you have related to a campfire?

    Some people love campfires while others do not at all….where do you fall in the debate and do you have a favorite memory about sitting around a campfire? It is rather apropos that we are talking about campfires this week. The campground where I have a seasonal site just opened this past weekend, and we had our first campfire. It was a disaster.   We were trying to get rid of the pine needles and cones that we had raked up while cleaning up our site.  We soon discovered that one of the six bags we raked was all we would be burning, for it created a lot of smoke and…

  • Career / Work,  Friendship,  Hobbies,  Self,  The School Years

    What is the best piece of constructive criticism you got as a young person?

    Most of us when we were younger (and possibly still!) weren’t too thrilled to receive any constructive criticism, but was there a time as a young person when you received some that you can now recall as the best you ever received? I was barely 21, doing an internship at a clothing manufacturer in Brockton as a computer programmer.  My boss was a young soft-spoken man whom I had grown to respect and was hoping to get a permanent position from when I graduated. As time went along, they allowed me to work with live files/ programs and I appreciated their confidence in me. Until. After finishing a project, I…

  • Friendship,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage,  The Teen Years

    Did you ever feel abandoned or betrayed by a friend as a teenager?

    Betrayal is something that we hope has not happened to you.  However, it has happened to a lot of us.  Today’s question is about betrayal in your teens – did a friend ever betray you in that tender decade?  Let’s see what Pam and Ellen have to say about this one. I will never forget “that” phone call. It was spring of my sophomore year, soon to be summer and I was in a relationship with a boy who I was over the moon about.  Everything was magical.  Our initial meeting was magical.  Our first few “dates” were magical.  His asking me to be his girlfriend = magical.  ALL of…

  • Family,  Friendship,  The Adult Years,  The School Years,  Travel

    What is the strangest place you’ve ever spent the night?

    Before we start today, let’s just say HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ellen!! Hope your day is all you hope for. And now, on to the question for today! Our beds are a cozy haven for us.  We get used to the mattress, the pillow, the sheets – the whole package.  When we travel, sometimes we get lucky with the new bed and sometimes we don’t.  We may be pleasantly comforted or we may not sleep a wink.  Either way, I think we all have memories and stories to tell about the different places we have laid our heads.   Today, we are asking– where is the strangest place you have…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Helping Others,  Uncategorized

    Have you ever called a friend in the wee hours of the morning to help with a problem?

    Having a problem in the middle of the night, this has happened to all of us. But have you ever called a friend for help ?  Let’s see what Pam and Ellen say about this one. The only time I can remember calling someone in the middle of the night for help was when I was in labor.  I honestly can’t remember any other problem that could not wait for morning. However, I have been on the other end of the phone when people were in trouble and either needed my shoulder to lean on or needed for me to go to them for help.  Each time, luckily, I heard…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Helping Others,  Relationships

    We are back……

    Life changes in an instant. 2019 taught us that in a big way and we went into a blog hiatus for a few months. 2020 brought all sorts of new challenges and once again threw us a huge curveball.  More directly, it threw Ellen the curveball when a car crossed the middle line and hit the car she was driving head on.    Life changes in an instant. A moment which is then suspended in time. Out of respect for Ellen and what she has and is still going through, we took a six-month blog break.  Today marks the end of that break and we thought we might bring you…

  • Friendship,  Self Reflection

    True Friendship to me means…

    Friends. We all have them – some closer than others. What does true friendship mean to you? Let’s see what it means to Pam and Ellen. I’ve been blessed in this lifetime with a best friend, someone who I could say anything to, confide in, laugh with, cry with – even fall asleep on the phone with. Unfortunately, that friend is no longer living and a big piece of me left with her.  I would like to tell you a bit about my friend Norma Wyatt Kosmeh. We met back in 1979 when we were both still single.  It was an instant connection for us – we just clicked.  It…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Relationships


    We started this project about legacy in January of this year to talk about it, to inspire others to talk about it but more importantly, to talk about leaving a legacy for those who love us and will count on it after we are gone.   These past few months we have, as a family, suffered a loss – a hard one.  We have had to confront that word legacy head on and dissect what it truly means to each of us. We have taken the summer off to grieve, to process the loss and feel we are ready to start the weekly questions/answers once again.  But we could hardly…