• Hobbies,  Self,  The Adult Years

    What 5 apps do you use daily?

    Smartphones. A lot of people have them and utilize the phones to help them through their day.  There are a myriad of apps out there and when people want to figure out how to do something, you will probably hear someone say “there must be an app for that”. We are interested to see just how you use your phones.  Maybe we can all get a few pointers in the comments.  How are Pam and Ellen using theirs? While I have over 250 apps installed on my phone, there are just a few I use daily.  I created a folder that has my most used apps in it on my…

  • Self,  The Adult Years

    Choose: Tap or bottled water?

    Drinking water is something that we are told we should be doing every day although the amounts differ depending on where you are getting the advice.  Some people drink the water – some don’t.  Are you a water drinker?   And if so, do you drink bottled or tap? I am quite a boring liquid consumer.  It is black coffee or water for me and that is about it.  I mean, there are those days where I drink an iced tea if I am out at a restaurant or maybe a fountain soda at a movie and as far as alcoholic beverages go – I am usually a Bud Light girl. …

  • Self,  The Adult Years

    Do you have any tattoos?

    Tattoos.  It’s sort of a love / hate relationship with them for the most part.  People either decide that they are going to get one or that they will NEVER let a needle touch their skin.  Today we are asking – which side do you sit on?  Do you have any tattoos? Years ago, I had an undiagnosed condition going on.  It was one that plagued me daily and wore me down over time.  I decided I needed something I could see at a moment’s notice to remind me that things could ALWAYS be worse.  Rather than tie a string around one of my fingers, I chose to finally “get…

  • Relationships,  Self,  The Adult Years

    What mode of communication do you prefer?

    Who would have thought that in the year 2022 we would have so many ways of communicating?  Well, I guess those of us who watched the Jetsons might have believed we’d be flying in cars to see each other but some of those ideas on the Jetson show, we have seen come to fruition – haven’t we?  Video calls/doctors appts and robot vacuums anyway. Today we are asking what YOUR favorite way of communicating is? I can say that I have used most of the available (to me) ways to communicate – text, voice, Facetime, Zoom, and email.  Yet I don’t think that my answer is going to be in…

  • Household,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What room in your house do you spend the most time in?

    Inside the four walls we call home, there is probably a place that you spend most of your time, either by necessity or preference.  What would that be for you? I currently do not own my own home – nor do I rent my own apartment.  The house I do live in has been decorated by someone else and while I am grateful for this opportunity, it doesn’t feel like home. That being said, I have a large bedroom.  While the bulk of my belongings are in storage, I have kept out some of the things that mean the most to me.  Decorating this bedroom, I have tried to create…