• Childhood,  Family,  Household

    The house out back.

    This is the carriage house that was in the back of my grandparents. From the time I can remember until the time the house was sold, it was rented as two apartments – one first floor, one second.  I do remember checking out both floors in between renters and being captivated by the layouts of both – especially the second. I happen to know that the first floor housed my parents, my brother, and I before we moved out to 217 in Raynham.  The living room is where my Mom found their dog with my head in his mouth as I was crawling across the floor.  The story goes that…

  • Household,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What is a messy area of your home, workplace or life?

    Home.  Workplace. Life.   Is there a place you are messy in each?  Or maybe just one.  Or are you not messy anywhere?  Messy areas…..hmmmmm. As I look back over my life, I realize that I’ve been many different types of housekeepers.  There were many years that I lived in a house that would have raised a few eyebrows – clutter filled, messy with a capital “M”. The older I get, the more that clutter messes with ME, and gets under my skin you might say.   So, I have tried to get much better about clutter.  However, I have to say that a messy area of my life that I…

  • Household,  Self Reflection

    Is there an item you own that is not of much monetary value but is very important to you?

    Cash is king, or so they say! But there are definitely things in our lives that are more important than money – take a look into what Pam and Ellen share is important to each of them. Because of my current living situation, I have become a master at surrounding myself with things that I love, are steeped in memory but have very little monetary value.  A dollar store rose that my grandson bought me – I will never forget him running up the walkway with it flailing above his head excited to bring the treasure to me. A stone that my granddaughter painted when here for a visit from…

  • Household,  Self,  The Adult Years

    What movie or TV set would you like to live on?

    We see all sorts of different homes, apartments, and rooms on both the small screen and the large.  There must be some that appeal to you.  Is there one that you would like to live in? I remember thinking that the house in the movie “father of the bride” was beautiful. The outside was majestic and having grown up in a 13-room colonial, it appealed to me from the start. But the living room, with its comfy-looking couches facing each other for conversation rather than facing a TV, is what really says “come on in, have a seat” for me. There are not many sets that immediately come to mind…

  • Household,  Self,  The Adult Years

    Have you ever purchased an “As Seen on TV” item?

    You can’t watch TV for very long before you see a commercial for some product that promises the world.  Some are branded AS SEEN ON TV and now have aisles dedicated to them in stores like Walmart. Have you ever bought one of these items?   And if so, did they work as promised? I have tried a few of these items, to differing reviews. First, I bought one of those hoses that collapses flat when not being used.  My review?  1 star out of 10. Terrible.  It split a seam during the first use.  Silver lining?  It took up less room in the trash. A more positive purchase was a…

  • Household,  The Adult Years

    Choose: wood floors, carpeting or tile?

    Flooring. There are lots of different options for flooring and we all have our favorites. Is yours the clean feel of wood floors, the plush cushiness of carpet or the cool feel of a tile? Over the years, I have had all three and there are benefits to each as far as I am concerned. I loved the tile floors I had where there was heat underneath.  It made getting out of the shower a lot more comfortable in the winter. I also love the plush carpeting I had in one of my bedrooms and never wore slippers there. Best by far and the easiest to take care of was…

  • Household,  Self,  The Adult Years

    Do you have anything stored a self-storage unit?

    Storing of personal things. This can differ for all of us – some have attics, others have basements, some have garages and others have sheds, but we all have excess items that we need to store somewhere.  Today’s question is have you ever used the pay-for-self-storage units that you see dotted all over our towns/cities? This is a touchy subject for me. I have had one or more, currently have two, storage units for well over 20 years. I do NOT want to do the math and calculate the dollars I have spent. Talk about legacy.  They are both filled with not only my personal items but also those things…

  • Household,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What room in your house do you spend the most time in?

    Inside the four walls we call home, there is probably a place that you spend most of your time, either by necessity or preference.  What would that be for you? I currently do not own my own home – nor do I rent my own apartment.  The house I do live in has been decorated by someone else and while I am grateful for this opportunity, it doesn’t feel like home. That being said, I have a large bedroom.  While the bulk of my belongings are in storage, I have kept out some of the things that mean the most to me.  Decorating this bedroom, I have tried to create…

  • Household,  Self

    What was the last thing you put in your Amazon cart?

    Online shopping. Before the pandemic, this was something some of us did but when we were all quarantined and couldn’t go into the stores,  we got used to ordering online.   Amazon stepped up and met the demand.  They became larger than ever.  Do you shop on Amazon?  What is the very last thing that you added to your cart? The last thing I added to my card is a trash container, one that has a lid. This is the first summer at the camper with a puppy and while she has been amazingly good, she loves paper.  Any kind of paper – towels, napkins.  She nabs them out of…

  • Household,  Self

    When you receive a call from a telemarketer, what do you do?

    Phone lists are shared, the marketers get their hands on them and then it begins.  Call after call after call.  All trying to sell you something, some scams, some legit.  The question we are posing today is what do you do when you get one of these telemarketer calls? I’m going to date myself here, but back in the day before we had caller id, we answered every phone call. You never knew if it was going to be an emergency or not.  So there were many times that I listened to whatever it was they were trying to sell, waiting for a “break in the action” so I could…