• Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    When have you experienced heaven on earth?

    Heaven on Earth could mean something entirely different for everyone. Where have you found that paradise? I think, in this season of my life, heaven on earth for me is in my interactions with the littles. An eye-to-eye connection, a shared secret laugh, sharing my love of books with them, talking a walk together, a little hand nestled in mine, a head upon my shoulder, and a little arm draped around my back. I take none of these moments for granted – each holds tremendous love and a little bit of heaven. Heaven on Earth? For me, it’s the beach.  It’s swimming playing in the saltwater or walking or lounging…

  • Family,  Relationships

    Are there any particular sayings that you remember your grandparents saying?

    Did you spend a lot of time with your grandparents? Today we are asking you to reflect on them and then share – was there something you remember them saying repeatedly? I did not have a ton of interactions with 3 of my grandparents.  My maternal grandad died either just before or after I was born, can’t remember that story.  My maternal grandmother died when I was in my late teens and lived so far away that we really had no relationship.  My paternal grandmother was a pampered, sickly woman and really did nothing but sit quietly, waiting to be catered to by the family.  So, the relationship there was…

  • Childhood,  Play

    What is your favorite fairground ride?

    Did you go to the local country fairs as a kid?  Or have you taken your own kids?  We used to go every year to one in our hometown and have lots of memories.  Today we are wanting to know if you had a favorite ride that you would run to each visit? I have been on a lot of rides over the years both at traveling fairs set up locally or at more permanent amusement parks.  Some rides leave me feeling sick to my stomach, some make me run around to the entrance for another go and some make me look at it with complete loathing as I disembark…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Self Reflection

    What one day would you like to relive?

    What one day would you like to relive? Quite a question actually – for there are a lot to pick from depending on how old you are.  For Pam, there are almost 23,000 to pick from and for Ellen it would be about 1300 less – see what we did there?  A black and white verification that Ellen is YOUNGER than Pam.  A lifelong joke of ours.  Anywho – let’s scroll down and see which of those 20,000+ days they’d each like to live again/ This was a tough question for me. It took a lot of reminiscing to decide and I am not really sure that I made the…

  • Childhood,  Holiday

    What is your favorite seasonal candy?

    Candy is present at almost every holiday that I can remember.  All different types in all different shapes and sizes.  Today we ask – do you have a favorite seasonal candy? I am a chocoholic at heart and I don’t need a holiday to eat it.  I love just about any kind or flavor of chocolate, the exception being the “healthy” ones – the 80% and above cacao. BUT, I do have a favorite candy that I can only get at Easter.  I know this is not going to be a popular or even appreciated answer but I love a good PEEP.  I know it is pure sugar and nothing…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    What character from a childhood TV show brings back the happiest memories?

    What did you watch when you were young? Can you remember one childhood TV show or character who brought you the most joy? Someone you looked forward to seeing each week? We did not watch a ton of TV in our house when I was under 10 that I can remember.  I do remember spending HOURS in our playroom, whether playing school or house.  I never watched cartoons – which back then were on Saturday mornings only. But the shows that I do remember from that age were: Romper Room – I think I grew weary of waiting for her to call my name and went on to other things.…

  • Childhood,  Elementary Years,  Play,  Self Reflection

    Do you avoid stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk and if yes, why?

    Do you remember the jingle? Do you remember avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk as you walked or skipped along? Or could you be found boldly stepping on each crack you encountered? Do you still avoid them? Today we talk about superstitions wrapped up in a childhood rhyme. “Step on a crack, break your momma’s back” Funny, when I was a kid I used to remember really believing that this was the case.  And there were many times that I hopped over any cracks I encountered until one day that I didn’t.  I couldn’t get over the crack fast enough and ended up landing smack dab on it.  I immediately…

  • Childhood,  Play,  The Teen Years

    Did you ever win a stuffed animal at a county fair?

    County fairs are such fun, something both Ellen and Pam grew up with. They can be sensory overload for some with the rides, games, fair food, exhibits, tractor pulling, lots of noises, lights and smells. Some of our favorites are the Ferris wheel, fried dough and just people watching on the midway, but todays questions is – have you ever won a stuffed animal at one of these fairs? I have tried many times to win a plush at the local country fairs over the years. Many times. And I was successful just ONCE! I will never forget the thrill of the moment my hoop circled the pin.  The look…

  • Family,  Helping Others,  Play

    Celebrating October!

    Sometimes life throws you a curveball.  October threw us a month filled with THINGS. Ever have a month where you were so busy living that you lost track of all time? We took a deep breath and decided to pause our questions – they will return in the 2nd week of November. In the meantime, let us share with you some of those beautiful Things that happened in October. October 5th – Pam’s grandson drove up for a visit from North Carolina.  The last time we saw him was in June at his high school graduation.  He came up to see Pam’s seasonal getaway for the first time and to…

  • Travel

    Have you ever traveled out of the country?

    International travel is something that a lot of people dream about but never get the chance to do. This week we are asking – have you ever traveled overseas or out of the country? When my girls were little, my husband wanted to take them to see where he was born and lived for the first decade or so of his life. We boarded a plane for Sao Miguel in the Azores on a Friday afternoon in September. September was significant because not only was this going to be a trip of introductions but also, we were going to be there during a large religious feast that takes place in…