• Uncategorized

    Have you ever been in a parade?

    The pomp – the circumstance – the floats – the bands – the cheers and music…. have you ever been in a parade? I really can’t remember being in a real parade although I have watched a TON of them over the years.  By real parade, I mean the ones with bands and floats. My kids were in the little league parades that my town did every year for opening day. The kids got to ride on firetrucks and wave at the spectators along the way.  I never walked with them, I dropped them off and then hurried toward the end so I could be there when their truck pulled…

  • Hobbies,  Play

    Do you have to win to enjoy playing a game?

    Games. You either enjoy playing games or you don’t. But here we are asking, if you enjoy playing, do you have to win? We are a game-playing family – always have been regardless of the members. Funny thing. I think I have become less competitive as I have grown older. I have played games over the years with some pretty competitive opponents and have been upset at times and become a gleeful sore-Loser at others. But maybe from playing with the littles in my life, I have become non-competitive and I really enjoy playing with littles and with adults.  I am not sure why, but I am the farthest thing…

  • Self Reflection

    Have you ever experienced something that you could not logically explain?

    Things that make you go Hmmm…..have you ever experienced something that you could not logically explain? I think for me, it must be messages from heaven.  I firmly believe in them, and I think we get them every day if we choose to be open to them. For instance, the week my husband died unexpectedly, during the chaos of the arrangements, the logistics, the family peacekeeping, the grieving with all seven and grandkids, I was driving toward home one day and in my mind fog, I noticed the license plate on the car in front of me. If you can’t read that – it says TYMIKE. For the skeptics reading,…

  • Family,  Relationships,  Self

    Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of having to put a pet down?

    Those of us who have had pets for years know what it is like to lose them. Today we are asking if you have ever had to put a beloved pet down. I luckily have never had that unfortunate experience as I cannot imagine the mental anguish that I would go through making the decision. However, I have had two beloved dogs die in my arms.  I know one of them waited for us to get home.  Our black lab mix – Buca.  We had gone out to eat dinner and when we arrived home, he was in the living room, lying on the floor.  I said hi but when…

  • Childhood,  Holiday,  Play,  The Adult Years,  The School Years,  The Teen Years,  Travel,  Uncategorized

    What is the best souvenir you have received or bought for yourself?

    We usually equate traveling with souvenirs. A lot of us want to bring something home that will remind us of our trip or bring a memento to loved ones not able to make the trip with us. Do you have a special one that you either couldn’t go home without or that someone brought for you? Every time I traveled since way back as a kid, I would spend my money on some tacky, kitschy souvenir shop trinkets. Once home, it would be displayed but eventually, after many trips, what do you do with all those lobsters made of shells that say Cape Cod? It wasn’t until I was in…