• Self,  The Adult Years

    Do you drink iced coffee in the winter?

    DO you drink coffee?  There is always a line at any Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks drive-through locally, so I am guessing a lot of people do. Our question today is – do you drink iced coffee in the winter? A simple answer from me: I rarely drink iced coffee but if I was craving one in the winter – yes! I mean, I drink hot coffee all summer long, so what is the difference? I do not think there is ever a BAD day for iced coffee or iced tea!  I drink them both no matter the weather – and you will almost always catch me with one or the…

  • Childhood,  Elementary Years,  Play

    What childhood toy do you still have?

    We all had toys of some sort when we were little, even if was just the pots and pans from the kitchen. Today we ask – do you still have one of those special toys? The timing of this question is appropriate as just about a month ago or so, I ran across a well-worn, well-loved, very aged Raggedy Ann doll.  She must be in her late 50’s and looks like it. I loved that doll. Loved her – Loved her – Loved her!!!! And because an aging mind is what it is, I cannot for the life of me remember where I found her so that I could take…

  • Hobbies,  Play,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    Choose – $200,000 luxury car or cash?

    It is fun to dream – at least we think so. For today’s daydream, which would you rather have – a $200,000 luxury car or the equivalent in cash? For me there is no question on this one. Accepting an extra $200,000 into my life would ease life a bit.  I could pay down some bills, help family and possibly celebrate a little.  Not to look a gift horse in the mouth – but I am hoping that this $200,000 is AFTER taxes! This is a simple decision for me:  cash, cash and yes, the cash.  I truly love to drive – and am having so much fun currently with…

  • Self,  The Adult Years,  The Teen Years

    What is the hardest physical work you have ever done?

    Hard work is certainly relative and different for every single one of us.  But we can all agree that we have spent time doing something that was physically taxing. Scroll on down to see what both Pam and Ellen deem to be their hardest. My career was not physical– it was a desk job. So, I started to rack my brain to think of something in my personal life that could qualify as the “hardest”; moving houses, flood cleanup and remodeling, shoveling yards of mulch or sand over the years. While all of these were hard work, I realized that participating in natural childbirth for all three of my children…