• Family,  Relationships,  Self

    Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of having to put a pet down?

    Those of us who have had pets for years know what it is like to lose them. Today we are asking if you have ever had to put a beloved pet down. I luckily have never had that unfortunate experience as I cannot imagine the mental anguish that I would go through making the decision. However, I have had two beloved dogs die in my arms.  I know one of them waited for us to get home.  Our black lab mix – Buca.  We had gone out to eat dinner and when we arrived home, he was in the living room, lying on the floor.  I said hi but when…

  • Family,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage

    Have you had a life event that changed you forever?

    Click our names below to find out what we think ours are. Do you think you have? Scroll down to the comments section and leave us your story. We’d love to hear from you. I think that life events change you, that is what they are supposed to do.  To mold you into the human you are today.  We all have different events that change us in little ways – births/deaths, marriages/partnerships, divorces/breakups, job losses/gains and on and on.  But I did not have to contemplate this question – the one event that I feel changed me forever was the loss of my Mom.  I saw an article recently from…