• Childhood,  Elementary Years,  Holiday

    Describe your most favorite Valentine’s Day.

     Valentine’s Day. A holiday that drums up special memories, agonizing dread, anticipation of just about every kind but each of us probably has a Valentine’s Day that stands out as being our most favorite. Clicking below you will see what we think ours is and please keep in mind that we do NOT see what the other has written until it is time to place it gently here. We think you are going to get a kick out of our musings this week. Care to share yours? I luckily have had many special Valentines days in my life and I can remember each like it was yesterday.  Like my first…

  • The Teen Years

    What subject was the easiest for you in high school?

    We each had our favorites – click below to see. How about you? Did you like one subject more than others? All through school, I can remember being excited at the start of each school year to see who my English and Math teachers were going to be.  Eagerly writing in the corresponding notebooks what the curriculum was going to be that year and just what we would be learning.  Those classes always turned out to be the easiest for me – subjects that I felt comfortable with and looked forward to each day. In English, I enjoyed learning new words in vocabulary, creative writing in that special little blue…

  • Childhood,  Elementary Years,  Family

    Do you remember having a favorite song or nursery rhyme as a child?

    We played and sang all the time as kids, why don’t you click our names below to see what our favorite was?And as always, go ahead and tell us yours in the comments below. While not exactly a nursery rhyme, I can remember hours being spent singing and dancing to the song “Oom-Pah-Pah” from the movie Oliver. Looking back at the song today, I realize that it had a lot to do with drinking and other not-G-rated topics but the chorus was what we paid attention to as kids.  It was catchy and fun to sing.   Watching the movie, I can remember seeing the people dancing around the bar with…

  • Family,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage

    Have you had a life event that changed you forever?

    Click our names below to find out what we think ours are. Do you think you have? Scroll down to the comments section and leave us your story. We’d love to hear from you. I think that life events change you, that is what they are supposed to do.  To mold you into the human you are today.  We all have different events that change us in little ways – births/deaths, marriages/partnerships, divorces/breakups, job losses/gains and on and on.  But I did not have to contemplate this question – the one event that I feel changed me forever was the loss of my Mom.  I saw an article recently from…