• Childhood,  Family,  Household

    Tell us about your favorite dish that your Mom made.

    People sitting around a table sharing meals together – moments we all can remember from some point in our lives.  But here we are going to be focusing on the meals your Mom made and asking the question – did you have a favorite dish of hers? It is funny to me as I look back over the years eating my Moms cooking.  One thing stands out – I don’t remember much of it. What I do remember is the hours we sat down together around the table in her kitchen – her with the ever-present cup of coffee, me with a Tab.  (now that is a blast from the…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Holiday

    Describe one of your favorite Holiday memories.

    Holidays. Lots of different memories over the years for all of us, but do you have a favorite holiday memory that you’d like to share with us?  For me, my favorite Holiday memory is a Christmas one.  It wasn’t my favorite memory then nor was it especially laden with priceless moments. It was a rather ordinary Christmas that became special in time. I was working full time with three young children; Adam was just six months old that year.  So, to say that I was stressed and overwhelmed trying to get the house decorated, presents bought along with the day to day schedule is an understatement. I can remember sitting…

  • Family,  Play,  Relationships,  Rites of Passage,  Service to Others

    Do you have a new tradition you’d like to start with your family?

    Traditions are everywhere – every family has them, even if it is the tradition of doing nothing.   But as we look at the traditions of others, do you wish you could adopt them for your own? Or have you come up with an idea of your own that you would like to participate in with your family? I have always wanted to start a new tradition in our family and that is to celebrate Día De Los Muertos. But it falls on the day after Halloween and I have put off suggesting it because of this.  Everyone is so busy trying to get their kids costumes ready that to…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies,  Holiday,  The Adult Years,  Travel

    How far is it to the nearest big city and how often do you go?

    Cities. Some of us live in them, some near them and some so far away the trip is wearisome. We would love to hear what your nearest big city is – and then, do you visit it?    I am lucky enough to live quite possibly directly in the middle of two fairly “big cities” – Boston, MA and Providence< RI.  Yet, I can honestly say that I can count on my hands the amount of times I have visited the city of Providence.  Mostly to attend a theatrical production at the Performing Arts Center there and I did pick my brother up at the bus station for one of…