• Household,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What is a messy area of your home, workplace or life?

    Home.  Workplace. Life.   Is there a place you are messy in each?  Or maybe just one.  Or are you not messy anywhere?  Messy areas…..hmmmmm. As I look back over my life, I realize that I’ve been many different types of housekeepers.  There were many years that I lived in a house that would have raised a few eyebrows – clutter filled, messy with a capital “M”. The older I get, the more that clutter messes with ME, and gets under my skin you might say.   So, I have tried to get much better about clutter.  However, I have to say that a messy area of my life that I…

  • Household,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What room in your house do you spend the most time in?

    Inside the four walls we call home, there is probably a place that you spend most of your time, either by necessity or preference.  What would that be for you? I currently do not own my own home – nor do I rent my own apartment.  The house I do live in has been decorated by someone else and while I am grateful for this opportunity, it doesn’t feel like home. That being said, I have a large bedroom.  While the bulk of my belongings are in storage, I have kept out some of the things that mean the most to me.  Decorating this bedroom, I have tried to create…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Self Reflection,  The Adult Years

    What sound would you least like to hear if you are home alone?

    Home alone.  Do you remember that movie?  Quite the stretch, but seriously, when you are home alone are you scared, apprehensive, looking for someone to stay with you?  Or are you comfortable, confident, and hoping they don’t come home for a bit? Either way, what is the one sound that you would least like to hear? Simply? B R E A K I N G G L A S S It’s kind of apropos that this question arrived in my in-box today as just last night I had a night of unsettling sounds and interrupted sleep! Living alone poses its own issues – and blessings, but I rarely am worried…

  • Childhood,  Family

    Did you have an attic in your childhood home?

    Attics and Basements.Some folks have both – some have neither. We are looking for stories about Attics – care to leave one below?Or over on Facebook? If you’d like to see whether Ellen and Pam had one growing up – click their names below. Growing up we had, what I call, a glorious attic – an attic you accessed through a permanent flight of stairs not a pull-down ladder and you could stand up straight in all but a few feet in the front of the house and again at the back. Filled with boxes, totes, bags, furniture, old baby gear, tools, unused small appliances, books, photos, rugs, it was…