• Family,  Relationships,  Self

    Have you ever had the unfortunate experience of having to put a pet down?

    Those of us who have had pets for years know what it is like to lose them. Today we are asking if you have ever had to put a beloved pet down. I luckily have never had that unfortunate experience as I cannot imagine the mental anguish that I would go through making the decision. However, I have had two beloved dogs die in my arms.  I know one of them waited for us to get home.  Our black lab mix – Buca.  We had gone out to eat dinner and when we arrived home, he was in the living room, lying on the floor.  I said hi but when…

  • Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    Pets – let’s list the pets you’ve had over the years.

    Pets. You either love them or hate them. But if you love them, you’ve probably had multiples. If you click below you will see the ones that come to both Pam and Ellen’s minds. Care to share some of your favorites? During my childhood, I had many pets – among the most memorable are:  A wild turtle that I named Timothy who came up to the house one summer and I brought him in.  I created him a cardboard house.  He would “play” outside during the day and come up to be let in at night to sleep in his box.  At the end of the summer, I painted a…