• Childhood,  Family,  Hobbies

    What did you watch on TV as a child?

    We started with a small black and white and can remember when we got a color – such excitement!  What did you watch as a kid?   Pam and Ellen detail the shows that filled their living room below.  This felt like this was going to be a boring post.  TV was not a big part of my childhood.  I do not remember it being on often although I do remember certain special events. I vaguely remember the JFK, RFK, and MLK coverage, the Apollo landing on the moon, things like that.  I did not watch cartoons on Saturdays like a lot of my friends did – they just never appealed…

  • Family,  Travel

    Where and when was the most amazing sunset you’ve ever seen?

    Do you like to watch the sunset?  Find out if Pam and Ellen like to below There is a special something that happens as you sit watching the sun fall in the sky and disappear on the horizon.    I’ve watched this with many different backdrops over the years, heck, I’ve been known to pull into the parking lot at the NIP on my way home if the sun is low in the sky and I have the chance to see the last few minutes.   The best sunsets that I have seen happen while sitting on a beach watching the sun drop into the ocean.  The breeze, the smells, the sounds…

  • Family,  Hobbies,  Holiday,  Travel

    Do you have any favorite family vacation stories?

    Vacations – Planning is great fun and then you get get to go and experience all you’ve created.  Do you have any favorites you’d like to tell us about?  Click the folders below to see what Pam and Ellen picked.  I have been blessed to have been on a lot of vacations over the years; some short, some long, some excellent, some not so.  Reminiscing about them to find one for this post was a lot of fun but I found I had a hard time picking a favorite.   One kept popping up in my mind though and I ended up settling on a camping trip back in the early…

  • Family,  Friendship,  Relationships


    We started this project about legacy in January of this year to talk about it, to inspire others to talk about it but more importantly, to talk about leaving a legacy for those who love us and will count on it after we are gone.   These past few months we have, as a family, suffered a loss – a hard one.  We have had to confront that word legacy head on and dissect what it truly means to each of us. We have taken the summer off to grieve, to process the loss and feel we are ready to start the weekly questions/answers once again.  But we could hardly…