• Childhood,  Elementary Years,  The School Years,  The Teen Years

    How did you wake up for school?

    Waking up in the morning. We all do it and we all have our own routine. Our question this week is how did you wake up as a child for school? If you get our newsletter, you know that we grew up in a large center chimney colonial house built in the 1700s. (and if you don’t get our newsletter – click here to be taken to the page where you can subscribe – we would LOVE to have you!) Our old house had an intercom system installed which, as a teen, became the bane of my existence. If you know anything about me, you know that I am a…

  • Childhood,  Self,  The School Years,  The Teen Years

    Do you have any memories of being bullied as a child/ teen?

    Bullies. There are a whole lot of them out there in the world today and social media has done nothing to lessen their fervor, in fact we believe it has strengthened it. But before we use this post as a bully pulpit to force our views down your throat, lets just get to the question at hand – do you remember being bullied as a child?   Click below to see if Pam and Ellen came out unscathed. You know, when I was a kid, we didn’t call what happened to me bullying.  I mean sure – we all experienced the school yard bully, usually a boy who picked on…

  • Childhood,  Elementary Years,  The School Years

    Do you remember being afraid to enter first grade?

    First grade. For some of us, it was the first time we would be away for a full day. Were you afraid to go?  Or excited? Click below to see what each of us felt. First grade did not start off great for me. For the year previous, I had attended a private “kindergarten” and loved it.  There was no transportation provided so I rode to school with my Dad.   However, I was going to have to take a bus on this new adventure called “First grade”. Here are my childhood memories of that tear producing morning. Mom and I went out to the end of the driveway to wait…