• Play,  Rites of Passage,  The Teen Years

    Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

    Skinny dipping. Streaking. Things that, for sure, involve being vulnerable.This week, we are finding out if Pam or Ellen ever slid into a pool with nothing on.Any guesses? I have to say that I indeed have slipped into a pool with nothing on, giving into peer pressure as a teen.     Looking back, it would have been less revealing if I had waited to get into the pool before I took the suit off.  It was late at night with our light being the stars and moon but with my white skin, I practically glowed as I stood on that ladder waiting for my turn to jump in.  It is…

  • Self,  Self Reflection

    What is your personal Motto?

    The dictionary defines a Motto as below: Motto [ mot-oh ] noun, plural mot·toes, mot·tos. a sentence, phrase, or word expressing the spirit or purpose of a person Today, we ask, what is your personal Motto? I realize that I don’t really have a motto that I live by. I have personal mottos that I aspire to – many. But if I am honest with myself, I do not meet those expectations on a daily basis. In fact, I fall short more often than not. I have heard it said that a personal motto can remind you of the person you want to be, remind you of qualities you want…

  • Hobbies,  Self

    Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

    Famous people intrigue me and with social media it is easy to talk yourself into thinking you know the person you are following.  But they are presenting their A-game all the time and you really do not have a full picture of who that person really is. This week we are asking the question, who is the most famous person you have ever met? And a subsequent question might be – how did that turn out for you? I’ve met several famous people over the years but the one that I keep coming back to when thinking about this question is one I met recently, well within the last decade…

  • Family,  Friendship,  The Adult Years,  The School Years,  Travel

    What is the strangest place you’ve ever spent the night?

    Before we start today, let’s just say HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ellen!! Hope your day is all you hope for. And now, on to the question for today! Our beds are a cozy haven for us.  We get used to the mattress, the pillow, the sheets – the whole package.  When we travel, sometimes we get lucky with the new bed and sometimes we don’t.  We may be pleasantly comforted or we may not sleep a wink.  Either way, I think we all have memories and stories to tell about the different places we have laid our heads.   Today, we are asking– where is the strangest place you have…

  • The Adult Years,  Travel

    What do you always carry with you when you travel and why?

    Traveling was put on hold during 2020 for a lot of us.So, looking back pre-pandemic or forward to post-vaccine,we are asking the question today — describe one thing that you always carry with you when you travel. I thought about this for a bit but the one thing I keep coming back to is a charger for the electronic devices that I inevitably bring. I usually leave my iPad in my room while on vacation, but at night, I power it on to catch up on email, play a game of solitaire or watch my favorite Instagram follows before I switch the light off to close my eyes for the…