Family,  Self Reflection

Who do you most resemble in your family?

Railroad into future

They say when couples live together, they start to resemble each other. 

But today’s question has to do with the family genes – who in yours do you most resemble?

Pam divider

Without a doubt – I resemble my dad. 

In 2010, I shaved my head to raise money for children’s cancer research with an organization called St. Baldricks.  The shaving took place in a room in front of a group of family and friends.  What was not present was a mirror. 

After we were done, I made my way to the bathroom and when I first saw myself it was as if my Dad was looking back at me.  Uncanny but true!  And the older I get, the more the similarity. 

Ellen divider

I’ve always known that I had my father’s nose and possibly the shape of his face.  As a young teen, I tried to find myself in my grandmothers to no avail, aunts and uncles to no avail, and most importantly, my mother.  For some reason, there was a time when I really wanted to look like her.  I think it had more to do with her eyes which had a genuine kind glow to them.

But it is Dad all the way for me!

Even more so as I age, as I have let my hair go grey/white, and each morning when I first catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and say, “Good morning, Dad”.  It is undeniable that it’s his face that mine has morphed into over the past few years.  

I like to envision that he is saying good morning right back to me from Heaven.

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