Self,  The Adult Years

Do you drink iced coffee in the winter?

Pam and Ellen

DO you drink coffee? 

There is always a line at any Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks drive-through locally, so I am guessing a lot of people do.

Our question today is – do you drink iced coffee in the winter?

Pam divider

A simple answer from me:

I rarely drink iced coffee but if I was craving one in the winter – yes!

I mean, I drink hot coffee all summer long, so what is the difference?

Do you drink iced coffee in the winter?

Hot coffee in summer
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash
Ellen Divider

I do not think there is ever a BAD day for iced coffee or iced tea! 

I drink them both no matter the weather – and you will almost always catch me with one or the other in my hand.  As I age, I try to be smart and alternate iced coffee or tea with a water…. but if I had my druthers, caffeine it would be!

Do you drink iced coffee in the winter?

Iced coffee with cream and without


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